FREE TK Taster Class

Transformational Keys® Demo Webinar:

"Explore the emotional truth of a pattern"

A 1,5 hour online webinar with live demo - on Friday Oktober 18th at 6 pm CET

Get a taste of the ENBA theory and the Transformational Keys facilitation model!

Yes, I want to particpate!

Use the power of vulnerability, to truly connect

with yourself, others and the world in a meaningful way.

This webinar is for you if ...

You want to ...

  • ... experience one of the powerful tools of the Transformational Keys facilitation model, a model that facilitates deep lasting change and that is based on the ENBA theory, a unifying theory about human functioning and change
  • ... get to know Malou and her facilitation style better

 You are eager to learn how to ...

  • ... explore some key aspects of an "unwanted" behavioural pattern 
  • ... discover the emotional truth and survival function of an unwanted pattern 
  • ... start rewiring a pattern into a thriving response 

You are willing to ...​​

  • ... co-create a psychologically safe environment with like minded people you have never met before
  • ... witness a demo session of how to work with the "TK neuromap", one of the key tools in the Transformational Keys Toolkit
  • ... surrender to the magic that can happen in a group when you deeply connect with yourself, the others and the Universe

Embrace the emotional truth of your limiting pattern to start rewiring it

TK Demo Webinar - Friday Okotber 18th at 6 pm CET

Make sure you have watched the FREE 90 min TK Taster Class before attending the webinar!

  •  a 1,5 hour live online zoom session.
  • Maximum 12 participants. 
  • Includes a demo with a volunteer to witness the application of the "TK neuromap", one of the many powerful tools of the TK facilitation toolkit. 
  • Cost: FREE!  
Yes, I'm in!

Participants share there experiences ...