A Transformational Journey to 

Awakening & Peace

FREE 90 min TK Taster Class to REWIRE a defensive reaction

Live, Lead & Serve from the Soul

You are a facilitator (coach, psychotherapist, trainer, health professional, HR professional) or compassionate leader and ...

  • You see personal growth as a key priority to become more fulfilled and be the change you want to see in the world?
  • You want to become more effective at facilitating deep change in the domains of personal growth, well-being, relationships, collaboration, or leadership?
  • You want powerful tools to address conflicts, and limiting patterns (behavioural, mental or emotional) in yourself and others?
  • You want to feel deeply connected with yourself, others and the world, and create environments with more openness, trust and accountability?"

Welcome, I'm Malou 

I'm passionate about infusing work and life with personal growth, open-hearted communication and higher purpose. By combining my background in civil engineering, management and clinical psychology with 20+ years of work experience as a therapist, coach and trainer, I support individuals and groups in deep transformational processes in an effective and structured way.

I teach facilitators (therapists, coaches, trainers, health professionals, HR professionals & compassionate leaders) how to facilitate deep and lasting change of limiting patterns within themselves and the people they work with.

I also support leaders in raising their level of consciousness and creating more positive and stimulating collaborative environments where there is more openness, trust, psychological safety, self-accountability and constructive conflict-resolution.

Learn more about me

Choose Your Journey ...

FREE 90 min online

Transformational Keys®

Taster Class

Get a taste of how to unlock and rewire a defensive reaction, instead of just managing or suppressing it.

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4 day

Transformational Keys®


Rewire a limiting pattern and live fully

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10 month online

Transformational Keys®

Online Program

Learn how to facilitate deep lasting change of limiting patterns.

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10 month

Transformational Keys®

Tribe Membership

Join our community of TK alumni and continue your journey of personal and spiritual growth.

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5 day live

Radical Collaboration®

Training (RC)

Learn how to build longterm successful (work) relationships and collaborative environments

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7 day live

Radical collaboration®

Trainer Certification (RCTC)

Become a Radical Collaboration® trainer (for RC participants)

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